Sunday, December 2, 2012

Patrick Buchanan Quotes

Who is Patrick Buchanan?

Patrick Buchanan quotes Washington Post's Hobart Rowen: "The modern corporation looks first to satisfying customers and to rolling up profits - forget the salute to the flag." Then Mr. Buchanan adds: "Forgotten too, is the American worker." - (From The Great Betrayal - How American Sovereignty and Social Justice Are Being Sacrificed to the Gods of the Global Economy).

"Gatt was the Magna Carta of the multinationals. With Clinton's GATT treaty in 1994, the final scaffolding of the global economy was in place. The United States had insured its own Fortune 500 companies that if they shut their plants in Seattle or Salt Lake and opened in Singapore or shanghai, they could export back to America, free of charge. We gave our greatest companies the most powerful incentives to pack up and leave; and they responded accordingly...The new entrants into the 'global hiring hall' have one thing in common: all are willing to work for a fraction of the wage that an American needs to feed, clothe, house and educate his or her family." (From The Great Betrayal - How American Sovereignty and Social Justice Are Being Sacrificed to the Gods of the Global Economy)
"During the first decade of the twenty-first century, U.S. semiconductors and electronics equipment producers lost 48 percent of their jobs; textile and apparel producers lost, respectively 63 percent of their jobs. In the same first decade of the twenty-first century, the United States issued 10,300,000 green cards inviting foreigners to come compete for the remaining jobs of U.S. workers."  (From Suicide of a Superpower - Can America Survive to 2025?)
"Though Bush 41 and Bush 43 often disagreed, one issue united them and Bill Clinton: protectionism. Globalists all, they rejected any measure to protect America's manufacturing base or wages of U.S. workers. They enacted NAFTA, created the World Trade Organization, abolished tariffs, and granted China unrestricted access to U.S. market." (From Suicide of a Superpower - Can America Survive to 2025?)

Of the financial collapse that brought on the recession of 2008 – 2010, [Thomas E.] Woods writes, 'The Fed was the single greatest contributor...more dollars were created between 2000 and 2007 than in the rest of the republic's history.' When the Fed tightened, the bubble burst...a century ago we forgot Jefferson's warning when congress and [President] Wilson ceded to a Federal Reserve of anointed bankers the power to control the supply of America's money. That year, 1913, a twenty dollar bill had the same value and purchasing power as a twenty dollar gold piece. The twenty-dollar gold piece is today worth 75 twenty dollar bills. The dollar has lost 98 to 99 percent of its purchasing power while in the custody of a Federal Reserve whose sworn duty is to protect the purchasing power of the dollar.” (From Suicide of a Superpower - Can America Survive to 2025?) 
"Of all the empires of modernity, the British was the greatest - indeed, the greatest since Rome -encompassing a fourth of the earth's surface and people. Out of her womb came America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Ireland, five of the finest, freest lands on earth. Out of her came Hong Kong and Singapore, where the Chinese first came to know freedom. Were it not for Britain, India would not be the world's largest Democracy, or South Africa that continent's most advanced nation. When the British arrived in Africa, they found primative tribal societies. When they departed, they left behind roads, railways, telephone and telegraph systems, farms, factories, fisheries, mines, trained police and civil service." (From Churchill, Hitler, and The Unnecessary War: How Britain Lost its Empire and the West Lost the World)

"In defense of the declaration of war on Germany, it is yet said that Britain had to save the world from 'Prussian Militarism' - the relentless drive for world domination of the Teutonic warrior race. Yet, in retrospect, this appears a modern myth...Looking back on the century 1815 - 1914, from Waterloo to the Great War, Germany appears to have been among the least militaristic of European power.

Nation                                        Number of Wars
Britain                                                  10
Russia                                                    7
France                                                   5
Austria                                                   3
Germany                                                3

...In 1914, Churchill denounced Wilhelm II as a Prussian warlord out to take over the world. Yet the Kaiser had never fought a war in his twenty-five years in power and he had never seen a battle." (From Churchill, Hitler, and The Unnecessary War: How Britain Lost its Empire and the West Lost the World)

"In January of 1915, half a year into the war, with tens of thousands of British soldiers already in their graves, including his own friends, Churchill, according to Margot Asquith's diary account, waxed ecstatic about the war and his historic role in it: 'My God! This is living History. Everything we are doing and saying is thrilling - it will be read by a thousand generations, think of that! Why, I would not be out of this glorious, delicious war for anything the world could give me..." (From Churchill, Hitler, and The Unnecessary War: How Britain Lost its Empire and the West Lost the World)
"Looking back, Western men profess astonishment the Allies did not strike and crush Hitler here and now. Why did they not eliminate the menace of Hitler's Reich when the cost in lives would have been minuscule, compared with the tens of millions Hitler's war would later consume?...America ignored Hitler's move because she had turned her back on European power politics. Americans had concluded they had been lied to and swindled when they enlisted in the Allied cause in 1917. They had sent their sons across the ocean to 'make the world safe for democracy,' only to see the British empire add a million square miles. They had been told that it was a 'war to end wars.' But out of it had come Lenin, Stalin, Mussolini, and Hitler, far more dangerous despots than Franz Josef or the Kaiser. They had lent billions to the Allied cause, only to watch the Allies walk away from their war debts. They had given America's word to the world that the peace imposed on Germany would be a just peace based on the Fourteen Points and Wilson's principle of self-determination, then watched the Allies dishonor America's word by tearing Germany apart, forcing millions of Germans under foreign rule, and bankrupting Germany with Reparations." (From Churchill, Hitler, and The Unnecessary War: How Britain Lost its Empire and the West Lost the World)

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)