Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Important Moral Guidance From Prime Minister of Turkey: Women Must Not Laugh in Public, As It Is Indescent

Important Moral Guidance From Prime Minister of Turkey: Women Must Not Laugh in Public, As It Is Indescent - ace.mu.nu

Excerpt from this article

 "[A woman] must not laugh out loud in front of everyone, [she] must absolutely keep her decency at all times." 
From Spurgeon Sermon Notes:

"A Hindu woman said to a missionary: 'Surely your Bible was written by a woman.' 'Why?' Because it says so many kind things for women. Our pundits never refer to us but in reproach.'"


Recommended reading:

What Muslims Fear Most: Smart Bombs and Smart Girls (my post)
Why Porn Rates Are So High Among Muslims and Mormons: Nice White Seplecres, by Paster Kevin Swanson

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)