Wednesday, May 18, 2016

#FlushTarget Campaign Truck to Visit Every Store in Minnesota: What About Her Rights to Privacy?

#FlushTarget Campaign Truck to Visit Every Store in Minnesota: What About Her Rights to Privacy? -

Excerpt from this article:

"'We are not boycotting Target out of fear of the LGBT community,' Chretien continued. 'Target can accommodate men that dress as women in a way that doesn’t put women and our young children at risk. Instead of seeking solutions that are safe for both transgender people and women and children, Target has embraced an approach that emboldens predators, threatens women’s safety, and undermines any basic sense of decency.' Target has since doubled-down on its policy, with their CEO Brian Cornell even going so far to accuse those protesting as being akin racists."

Since President Obama took office, our national debt has gone from $10.7 trillion to $19.4 trillion, which according to David Stockman is "equal to 80% of the total debt created during the entire prior 220 years of the republic and the tenure of 43 Presidents!"

Target obviously wants to drive away a large number of their customers, and that's OK. They are not the only store in town. But even if they were, how much longer will Americans be able to shop there if their President continues to destroy this country?

Recommended reading:

What's Really Going On With the Transgendered Bathroom Issue? 
Nice Federal Funding Ya Got There, Shame if Something Were to Happen to it!

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)