Monday, May 11, 2015

Stalin's New Clothes

Stalin's New Clothes -

 "As Lenin Statutes Are Tumbling Down In Ukraine, Stalin Statutes Are Being Erected In Russia."

Here is an excerpt from How Many People Did Stalin Kill? (

"Before the collapse of the Soviet Union led to the opening of state archives to researchers, estimates of the number of people killed under Stalin’s leadership varied dramatically, from 3 million at the lowest end, to around 60 million at the top end. Post-Soviet research has shown that the number of deaths is probably around 20 million – still a horrific number. The records are not particularly accurate in many ways, though, and although a rough consensus seems to be emerging that 20 million deaths is a reasonably accurate figure, the topic is still subject to much debate."

Recommended video:

A Complete History Of The Soviet Union To The Melody Of Tetris

Recommended reading:

Gun Control Thoughts For Today (my post)

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)