Friday, August 7, 2015

Lifting the Curtain on the Abortion Industry - A Practitioner's Perspective

Lifting the Curtain on the Abortion Industry - A Practitioner's Perspective -

Excerpt from this article:

"Melissa Farrell, director of medical research of Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast has done permanent injury to something that the entire abortion industry relies on: the idea that what is being removed in an abortion is a 'clump of cells.' For years now, the magical science of ultrasound has been working hard at putting that concept on the ash heap of history.  We physicians have always known that a fetus is a fascinatingly intriguing little human, and it took ultrasound to open up that knowledge to the general public.  There is no need for a months-long intense course on fetal development.  A glimpse of the black and white moving images of little hands waving and toes wiggling instill a conviction of personhood immediately. The doctors and technicians who are featured in the videos, working in their macabre 'research' labs know this too, of course.  The exclamation of Dr. Ginde, a Colorado abortionist, as she stands over a petri dish of fetal parts: 'Another boy!' is going to stick in my mind for a long time."

Social Cartoonist Doonsbury mocks attempts to require women seeking an abortion to view an ultrasound of their unborn baby first (see: Here Are All The Controversial Doonsbury Abortion Strips Your Local Paper Won't Print)*.  But maybe we should just ask the person seeking an abortion if they'd like to watch a video of doctors and nurses laughing and cutting up their unborn child so they can sell its pieces to the highest bidder!

Note: I read Doonsbury on a regular basis, even if I don't always agree with the message he's trying to get across. For example, his cartoon strip on sexual assaults in the military is excellent (See: Doonsbury Takes On Sexual Assault in The Military)

Recommended website:

 Recommended reading:

Woman Who Filmed Own Abortion  Launches Website To 'Remove The Shame And Stigma' Of Killing Unborn Babies
Planned Parenthood Video: 'It Was A Twin...Intestines Are Here', Eyeballs 'Are So Easy, They Come Out, Like, Firmer'
What Should Be Done To A Country That Kills 56 Million of its Own People?
Over Last 50 Years, More Than 2 Billion Babies Have Been Aborted Worldwide
New York City: 80% of Abortions Were Minority Babies
Margaret Sanger: Founder of Planned Parenthood
Campus craze: ‘Stab that baby!’
Stop Funding Planned Parenthood, Does 1 Abortion Every 94 Seconds
Would it bother us more if they used guns?
Shocking Photos Show Disgusting Conditions at Abortion Clinic 


How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)