Saturday, August 15, 2015

Trump: Illegal Immigrants Have To Go ... We Either Have A Country Or We Don't Have A Country

Trump: Illegal Immigrants Have To Go ... We Either Have A Country Or We Don't Have A Country -

Excerpt from this article:
"Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump argued that illegal immigrants 'have to go' in a preview of his interview set to air on NBC News’ 'Meet the Press' released on Saturday.
Trump said that if he is president, 'The executive order gets rescinded.' Trump added, 'We’re going to keep the families together. We have to keep the families together, but they have to go.' And 'They have to go.' Trump also said that if illegal immigrants don’t have a place to go, 'We will work with them. They have to go. Chuck, we either have a country, or we don’t have a country.”

Donald Trump is either a plant for the Democrats, or his life could be in serious danger if he continues to run for president.

Some think that John F. Kennedy was assassinated by the CIA because he was going to expose the secret government that has been controlling America for  many decades. That same 'secret government' is still controlling America, and the two front runners (Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush) are both a part of it.

But if Donald Trump were elected he would be in a position to put a stop to this takeover of America - and he could start by ordering an investigation into Bill and Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama!

Recommended reading:

None Dare Call It Conspiracy, by Gary Allen (1971)
The United Nations Exposed, by William F. Jasper

For further study:

Bush Killed JFKjr

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)