Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Bang! Bang! Why Gun Control Laws Should Scare You To Death!

Gun control is not about keeping guns out of the hands of dangerous psychopaths (as opposed to non-dangerous psychopaths?). No, that's not it at all.  The gun control controversy revolves around a simple question: Does history repeat itself?

If you say it does, then you likely would be alarmed at the following article:

What Happens When Government Disarms its Citizens?

Here are a couple of short quotes from two people on both sides of the gun control issue:

"One man with a gun can control 100 without one." - Vladimir Lenin

"Those who beat their swords into plowshares usually wind up working for those who didn't!" - Benjamin Franklin

Recommended reading:

Shocker: Criminals Tend to Get their Guns Illegally -
One Third Of Americans Own Guns And The Media Senses 'A Pattern' -
Women Are Driving Force In Shift From Gun Control To Gun Rights

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