Friday, June 3, 2016

Choices for The 2016 Ballot: 1. Hillary Clinton and the Council on Foreign Relations, or 2. Donald Trump and the Council on Foreign Relations

The following is from the book - Shadow Government - How the Secret Global Elite is Using Surveillance Against You, by Grant R. Jeffrey, Published 2009

"Presidential elections have been reduced to popularity polls because citizens are given only 2 major party choices: Democrat Team A or Republican Team B. The Teams wear different colored sweaters, but the hidden management and ownership and players are virtually identical. Most members, senior military staff, and State Department officials in every administration are also members of the Council on Foreign Relations or the Trilateral Commission. Several Internet sites allege that a great number of key business, education, and political leaders in America are or have been members of the Council. President Ronald Regan's administration included at least 255 members of the globalist organizations. George H. W. Bush's administration was overwhelmingly represented by members of the two groups, including almost every member of the cabinet. When Bill Clinton took office, virtually every officer of his cabinet and sub-cabinet was drawn from members of these two globalist groups. The same situation existed during the 8 years of George W. Bush's administration, and in all likelihood the pattern will continue in the administration of President Obama."

Recommended reading:

None Dare Call it Conspiracy (1971), by Gary Allen
Why Isn't the CFR On the 2016 Ballot?
The Election is Rigged and the CFR is Going to Win

Recommended videos:

Dick Cheney on the Council on Foreign Relations
The Trump CFR Connection: Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump and Richard Haass Are All Working Together
Hillary Clinton Admits the CFR Gives the Orders

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 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)