Friday, June 17, 2016

John Hopkins Psychiatrist: Support of Transgenderism and Sex Change Surgery is Collaborating With Madness

John Hopkins Psychiatrist: Support of Transgenderism and Sex Change Surgery is Collaborating With Madness -

Excerpt from this article:

"Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University, and former psychiatrist-in-chief at Johns Hopkins Hospital who has studied transgenderism and sex-reassignment surgery for 40 years, said the condition is a “mental illness” and to enable it is equal to 'collaborating with madness.'

 Recommended reading:

American College of Pediatricians: 'Transgender Conditioning is Child Abuse' -
I Wish I Had Been Told About These Risks Before I Had Transgender Surgery -
Condoning Transgenderism is Like Agreeing With Anorexics That They Are Fat -
#FlushTarget Campaign Truck to Visit Every Store in Minnesota: What About Her Rights to Privacy?
The Next Wave: "Puppy Play", "Eco-Sexuals and Poly Amory" -
Teacher Awarded $60K After Coworkers Won't Call Her 'They' -
Nice Federal Funding Ya Got There, Shame If Something Were to Happen to It 
Norway to Allow 6 Year Olds to legally Change Gender -
Study Reveals Preschooers Believe They Can Grow Up to Be Black Adults -
State Department to Spend $450,000 Protecting Transgenders - Overseas | CNS News:
Schools in Washington Adopt Controversial Learning Standards Regarding Gender for K-12 Students -

Recommended podcasts:

Trans-Gendered, Trans-Species, and Autonomy - Art Gays Born That Way? by Pastor Kevin Swanson
A Medical Response to the Transgender Issue, by Jim Schneider [Crosstalk] 
Growing Trend of Trans-Specisism - Man Marries 100 Year Old Tree, by Pastor Kevin Boling

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)