Excerpt from this article:
"Canada has elected a new far-left prime minister, one who said he wouldn’t bomb ISIS, even if they attacked Canada, and identifies as a feminist. He also believes “if you kill your enemies they win,' and that it’s 'offensive' to call honor killings barbaric. So you can probably imagine he’s not the most rational when it comes to the gender insanity of today. Apparently even the country’s national anthem is too gendered for the modern age. MSN reports: The Canadian parliament is close to adopting a bill that would change the national anthem – O Canada – to make it gender-neutral."
Actually, Canada might be onto something here. But instead of revising their national anthem, they should just change it to this one:
Classified - O....Canada!
Ann Coulter has written (I think in her book, Never Trust a Liberal Over 3 (Especially A Republican!):
"Since arriving in Canada I've been accused of thought crimes, threatened with criminal prosecution for speeches I haven't yet given, and denounced on the floor of parliament (which was nice because that one was on my 'bucket list')." -Recommended reading:
Michelle Malkin: Yes, We Need A Canadian Border Wall - michellemalkin.com
Canada's PM Insults Americans Ahead of Washington Visit - truthrevolt.org