Friday, June 10, 2016

Globalists Meet at Bilderberg in Germany to Plot World's Future

Globalists Meet at Bilderberg in Germany to Plot World's

Excerpt from this article:

"Globalist kingpins and their lackeys from across the Western world are meeting in Dresden, Germany, this week for the shadowy and deeply controversial 2016 Bilderberg summit. If past statements by Bilderberg bigwigs are to be believed, the collection of powerful internationalists and lower-level figures they hope to influence will be plotting against the interests of their home countries, under the guise of fostering transatlantic “informal discussions.”

Recommended podcasts and videos:

The Bilderberg Conspiracy, by Pastor Mike Hoggard

Recommended reading:

Club BiLDeRBeRG -
Does Bilderberg Really Run the World? One Chart to Help You Decide -

Note - click on this chart a few time to enlarge it.

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)