Thursday, June 2, 2016

New York Magazine Writer Begs Media: 'Stop Bugging Hillary Clinton'

New York Magazine Writer Begs Media: 'Stop Bugging Hillary Clinton' -

Excerpt from this article:

"As Hillary Clinton keeps avoiding the press as election season wears on, reporters like CBS’ Nancy Cordes have complained that they would 'love' to interview Hillary but haven't been able to "for months" because Clinton “isn’t comfortable in that setting': 'She’s not interested in getting the tough questions out there on the trail,' Cordes told CBS This Morning, June 1. But according to The Cut’s Landsbaum, that’s perfectly fine. It’s not Clinton’s fault, it’s the media’s fault for trying to access her to begin with."

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The Four Laws That Hillary Clinton Broke But Will Probably Never Be Charged For -
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 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)