Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Today in History - March 19

1649 - The House of Commons of England passes an act abolishing the House of Lords, declaring it 'useless and dangerous to the people of England (Source)

Recommended sermons and podcasts:

The English Civil War, by Dr. Nick Needham
Church History: The English Civil War, Part 1, by Matt Powell
Church History: The English Civil War, Part 2, by Matt Powell
Oliver Cromwell: Saint, Soldier, Statesmen, by Dr. Alan Cairns (Text: Hebrews 8)
Oliver Cromwell, by Dr. Peter Hammond
Oliver Cromwell and His Russet-Coated Heroes, by Bill Potter
The Life and Labors of Oliver Cromwell, by Rev. Colin Mercer
Oliver Cromwell Lord Protector of England, by Rev. Ian Goligher (Text: 1 Samuel 18:12)

1945 - World War II: Adolf Hitler issues his 'Nero Decree' ordering all industries, military installations, shops, transportation facilities and communications facilities in Germany to be destroyed (Source)

Recommended sermons and podcasts:

Robert E. Lee Vs. Adolf Hitler: The Difference Between the Godly and the Wicked, by Pastor Kevin Swanson
Evolutionists Resurrect Hitler, by Dr. Alan Cairns
Western Civilization: Hitler and the Jews, by Dr. James M. Phillip [Text: 2 Timothy 2:15]
From Darwin to Hitler, by Pastor Kevin Boling

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)