30 BC - After the successful invasion of Egypt, Octavian executes Marcus Antonius Antyllus, eldest son of Mark Antony, and Casesarion, the last king of the Ptolemaic dynasty of Egypt and the only child of Julius Caesar AND Cleopatra (Source)
Recommended sermons and podcasts:
Church History: The Intertestamental Period, by Andrew Webb
Intertestamental Period 1: Medeo-Persia and Greece Under Alexander, by Pastor David McManus [Text: Daniel 2;7;8]
Intertestamental Period 2: Alexander's Empire Divided, Israel Abused, by Pastor David McManus [Text: Daniel 8;11]
Intertestamental Period 3: The Maccabean Revolt and the Rise of the Hasmoneans, by Pastor David McManus [Text: Daniel 11]
Intertestamental Period 4: Early Roman Rule and Herod The Great, by Pastor David McManus [Text: Daniel 7:7]
Intertestamental Period 5: Herods and Emperors and Rebellions, Oh My! by Pastor David McManus
1572 AD -French Wars of Religion: Mob violence against thousands of Huguenots in Paris results in the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre (Source)
Recommended sermons and podcasts:
The Colonial Wars of America and Providential Significance, by Historian Bill Potter
(1948 - World Council of Churches is formed by 147 churches from 44 countries Source)
Recommended sermons and podcasts:
The Curse of Using Carnal Methods for God's Work, by Dr. Alan Cairns [Text: Isaiah 31:1]
Vatican and World Council of Churches Crank Up Ecumenical Machine, by Dr. Alan Cairna