If you follow the Bible reading program on this daily post you will read through the entire Bible in one year. I'm borrowing this Bible reading plan from oneyearbibleonline.cHow tom, kingjamesbibleonline.org, and biblegateway.com/]
For today, read:
Recommended sermons:
Joshua 13, by Rev. Cornelis (Neil) Pronk [Text: Joshua 13]
Joshua 14, by Rev. Cornelis (Neil) Pronk [Text: Joshua 14]
A Rich Inheritance, by Rev. William Macleod [Text: Joshua 15:1-63]
Recommended sermons:
Convicted But Not Converted, by Rev. Stephen Hamilton [Text: Luke 18]
Recommended sermons:
VE Day: Arrow of the Lord's Deliverance, by Dr. Ian Brown [Text: Psalm 85]
What God Does in Creation, Providence and Redemption, by Rev. Stephen Hamilton [Text: Psalm 86]
Recommended sermon:
Language and Ethics, by Joe Morecraft III [Text: Proverbs 13]