Friday, May 27, 2022

Pastor Drops Tax Exempt Status in Favor of Dem-Bashing Sermons: 'I Renounce 501(c)(3) Communism'

 Pastor Drops Tax Exempt Status in Favor of Dem-Bashing Sermons: 'I Renounce 501(c)(3) Communism' -


Recommended reading:

Joel Osteen Church Cash Discovery Renews Calls to Tax Churches -


Personally, I am opposed to churches having a tax exempt status. But for more on this issue - both for and against...


 Tax Exemption for Churches: An American Value, a Social Imperative -

Excerpt from this article:

"As seminary president Albert Mohler explains with respect to the subsidy argument, a 'subsidy would be the transfer of tax money to institutions. That's not what's going on here...Rather, the tax exemption is granted with respect to institutions the government does not feel that it has the right to tax on the one hand, institutions that it believes are essential to the Commonwealth and to the commonweal, to the well-functioning of society.'"

2674BD: The Tax Exemption CarrotThe Tax Exemption Carrot
By Dr. D. James Kennedy / Truth in Action

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)