Saturday, April 20, 2013

Give a Boy a Gun: North Korea Training 11-Year-Old Boys to Be Soldiers

North Korea Training 11 Year Old Soldiers -

"North Korea's newest batch of future soldiers — scrawny 11-year-olds with freshly shaved heads — punch the air as they practice Taekwondo on the grounds of the Mangyongdae Revolutionary School. Students and teachers here say they're studying harder these days to prepare for a fight."

I have people from South Korea visit this site on a fairly regular basis. To my knowledge, I have never had a visitor from North Korea. That's probably not surprising since North Korea doesn't appear to be too interested in offering Internet access to its people (see North Korea's Internet? What Internet? For Most, Online Access Doesn't Exist).

I wonder what an '11-year-old soldier' in North Korea thinks about America and Americans? And I wonder if his thinking would change if he had the same access to the Internet that much of the free world has. For example, if 11-year-old's in North Korea had access to books by Ann Coulter, they might read something like this:

"It's hard to conceive of America going to war with any country that would honor the Geneva Convention." (Sorry, I can't recall which book that came from!).

Recommended viewing (but only for 11 year old soldiers in North Korea):

What Are We Fighting For?

Recommended reading (for everyone else):

North Korea Demands U.S. Withdrawal from South Korea

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)