Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Limbaugh: If Boston bomber a Muslim, 'media will circle the wagons'

Limbaugh: If Boston bomber a Muslim, 'media will circle the wagons' [AUDIO] - The Daily Caller

"On his Tuesday radio show, conservative talker Rush Limbaugh warned his listeners that the news media will 'denounce' conservatives if the perpetrator of the Boston bombing is associated with right-wing politics in any way.  Should the culprit be a Muslim, however, the media will go out of their way to protect the image of Islam,” Limbaugh predicted. 'Let me ask a question — again based on my observation in recent years — if you listening to this program, if you are a Muslim and it turns out that a Muslim did bomb the Boston Marathon, how do you feel? I dare say that if you are a Muslim, you can be pretty certain, you can rest assured that everybody in the media will circle the wagons and say this is not because of Islam,' Limbaugh said."

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