Monday, April 22, 2013

North Korea Begs for Food Aid from Mongolia as Starving State Faces 'Severe' Shortage

North Korea begs for food aid from Mongolia as starving state faces 'severe' shortage | World | News | Daily Express:


"The North, suffering under dictator Kim Jong-un's cruel regime, cited a 'severe' shortage of food and requested aid during a recent meeting with Mongolia's President Ts. Elbegdorj. 'We ask Mongolia to seek possibilities of delivering food aid to North Korea,' an article by InfoMongolia said. Millions of people live near starvation at the secretive state, and children orphaned by misfortune or their parent's imprisonment, often die from malnutrition. Chilling video footage recently documented a 10-year-old-boy starving to death on the streets of North Korea."

Maybe it would be in North Korea's best interest to go to war with America. Because once America got rid of the ruling elite of that country - like we did with the Mighty Sadam Hussein's regime - we could come in with food, medicines and other economic support and at least help that country be able to feed itself.

Recommended reading (my Post)

Give a Boy a Gun: North Korea Training 11-Year-Old Boys to Be Soldiers

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)