Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Boston Marathon Bombings and a Brief History of False Flag Attacks

I'm sure the what the mainstream media tells us about the Boston Marathon Bombings is accurate. Well, no, I'm not sure of that at all. Anyway, here are a couple of interesting things to read and listen to while you are being spoon fed your 'news bites' from CNN:

A Brief History of False Flag Attacks - Infowars
Glen Beck Warns Obama, by Pastor Trevor Hammack
Glen Beck Warns Obama - Part 2, by Pastor Trevor Hammack
Glen Beck's Info, by Pastor Trevor Hammack

Glen Beck Reveals Info, by Pastor Trevor Hammack

If  you are pressed for time, jump right to this last podcast by Pastor Hammack where he posts Glen Becks 'info' on the Boston Massacre Bombing:  Glen Beck Reveals Info

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)