Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Jesus Says: "Go Ye Therefore and Preach the Gospel to Every Nation." That includes Saudi Arabia!

Saudi Sentenced to 300 Lashes for Role in Helping Muslim Chick Convert to Christianity -

"Your day in Islamic 'tolerance.' Note that the woman, 'The Khobar woman,' who converted from Islam to Christianity was forced to flee Saudi Arabia because she wouldn’t have 'escaped' with just 300 lashes. She would have been executed (and in a few generations, women like her won’t have a Sweden to flee to because it, too, will be majority Muslim and completely intolerant–that’s where it’s headed demographically)."

Recommended reading & Listening:

No Other Name! Satan REALLY Hates This Sermon!

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)