Thursday, July 7, 2016

Donald Trump: The Council on Foreign Relations is Going to Continue to Run the American Government

OK, Mr. Trump didn't come right out and say that, but he strongly implied it when he said: "Newt Gingrich is Going to Be Involved With Our Government."

So Americans will be given 3 choices this fall:

1. Vote for Crooked Hillary and continue to turn over control of our country to the Council on Foreign Relations, or

2. Vote for Donald Trump (and Newt Gingrich) and continue to have our country controlled by the Council on Foreign Relations.

3. Don't vote at all, and continue to have our country controlled by the Council on Foreign Relations

If Newt is going to be part of Mr. Trump's administration, I'm going with choice #3!

Recommended reading:

The Election is Rigged and the Council on Foreign Relations is Going to Win
Billionaires and Globalists Vs. the People 
Ann Coulter: My VP Prediction: Trump's First Mistake 
 "America 1st! (We'll Destroy the Rest of the Planet Later!)" - Barack Obama
A New Campaign Song for Hillary

Recommended video:

Dick Cheney at CFR, Laughing at People of Wyoming 

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)