Thursday, July 21, 2016

Radio Free Geneva: Jacob Prasch and the Armenians (OK, the Arminians)

Radio Free Geneva: Jacob Prasch and the Armenians (OK, the Arminians), by Dr. James White

This is a great podcast and I highly recommended it. Pastor Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834 - 1892) once said:

"'What?' you say. 'Can God make me become a Christian?' I tell you, yes, for herein lies the power of the gospel. It does not ask your consent, but it gets it. It does not say, 'Will you have it?' but it makes you willing in the day of God's power...The gospel wants not your consent; it gets it. It knocks the enmity out of your heart. He makes your will turn around, and then you cry, 'Lord, save, or I perish.' 'Ah,' might heaven say, 'I knew I would make you say that!'"

 If you would like to learn more about Calvinism [and I hope you do], check out the following sermons:

Election and Reprobation, by Dr. R. C. Sproul
Decree of Reprobation, by Rev. Cornelis Pronk
Total Depravity, by Rev. Paul den Butter
Eternal Decree Of Election, by Rev. Cornelis Pronk

Further recommended reading:

The Bible (and yes, go ahead and start with Romans 9, and then follow up with Rev. Cornelis Pronk's sermon on this text (Decree of Reprobation)
The 5 Points of Calvinism, by Herman Hanko
A Defense of Calvinism - by Charles Spurgeon

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)