Wednesday, August 10, 2016

What "Gun Control" Really Means to the Establishment

Yes, Barack Obama and Hillary want to take away  your Guns. But they don't want to stop there. They also want to take away the guns of your local police and sheriff and give them to a "Nationalize Police Force" (and the United Nations is on board with this 100%):

UN Announces Support for Obama's Nationalization of Police

In order to take over America, the left has to do more than just elect Hillary as the next president. They have to make sure that the only people who have access to guns are those who  are going to be loyal to Hillary (and the powers that are behind her!)

Recommended reading:

Military Purge: Obama Says, Obey Him, Not the Constitution! -
Disaster: Today's Warrior Purge in the U.S. Military -
Top Generals: Obama is Purging the Military - 
Obama Purging the Military of Officers Who Disagree -
Christians Are Being Systematically Purged From the Military -
Obama Vs. the Generals -
List of Purged Military High Officers is 'Terrifying!' - youtube video
US General: Obama's Military Purge is Criminal and Treasonous -

Note: Headlines like these make you wonder 'what's really going on' when read other headlines, like these:

Gangs in Chicago Reportedly Agree to Use Sniper and Automatic Weapons Against the Police -
Police  Group Director: Obama Caused 'War on Cops' -

  More recommended reading:

What Happens When Governments Disarm Their Citizens? -

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)