Friday, August 19, 2016

The Marshall Report: Trump Will Clean Up the Corruption. All of It! Starting With the Clintons!

The Marshall Report: Trump Will Clean Up the Corruption. All of It! Starting With the Clintons! -

Excerpt from this article:

"Hillary is all about pushing America against the UN wall and making it into a North American Union where states will bow down and do as they are ordered in the same fashion we all just watched Bernie do. That will not happen on Trump’s watch nor on the watch of the real patriotic citizens of this great nation! Trump will prosecute these crooked people – all of them!...The Clinton Foundation involves the entire US Government…therefore they will do everything they can to shove Hillary in power so no one can stop their corruption! If they lose they all go to jail!"

Recommended reading:

Letter to Donald Trump: If You  Strike Not the Root, The Branches Will Grow Again!
Ron Paul: Americans Are Going to Be Disappointed in the Election Outcome
None Dare Call it Conspiracy, by Gary Allen, published  in 1971
Trump: Americanism, Not Globalism, Will Be Our Credo
Traitors Within? The Global Elites and Their Nation Breaking Games - 

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)