Friday, August 26, 2016

Why Blacks Should Give Trump a Chance [Video]

Why Blacks Should Give Trump a Chance [Video]-

The Bible says:

"Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God." - Matthew 5:9

Here are 2 more short videos of people trying trying to be peacemakers:

Sheriff David Clarke Talks on the Effects of Decades of Rule by Democrats of America's Inner Cities
Questions Black People Have for White People (Answered by a White Girl), by Blaire White

 [Warning: Blair White drops 1 F-bomb in this video, but it's still an excellent attempt at trying to diffuse the racial tension that's going on in our country]

And finally, for one more "peacemaker", please read the following great article by former rock star Ted - Cat Scratch Fever -  Nugent:

Liberalism is a Gallon of Gas and a Book of Matches -

OK, here's a short excerpt of this article, just to get you started:

"I don’t condone it, in fact I condemn it. But I sure as hell understand it. The underlying reason for the mayhem that recently erupted in Baltimore and Ferguson wasn’t the result of police brutality against Freddie Gray or Michael Brown. Those instances merely served as sparks to ignite the growing powder kegs of decades old frustration, disillusionment and anger, which could very well spread across the country and create a long, hot summer. The mantra of the rioters:  burn this bitch down....There is little honest talk from politicians about how blue-collar jobs have disappeared from the American landscape.  Those jobs are gone, farmed out to cheaper labor in foreign countries.  When countries such as Indonesia, Taiwan and Vietnam provide labor that produce a pair of Nike tennis shoes for a buck or so, that’s where Nike will have them made."

For further study...

The Table of Nations: Are There Many Races or One? [Podcast] by Voddie Baucham (excerpt from this sermon: "There is only one race...all descended from Noah...all descended from Adam")

Detroit Has Gone From Being the Greatest Manufacturing City in the World to a Global Joke

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)