Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Thoughts for Wednesday, November 1, 2017

"Once, as a very young lawyer, I tried to settle a clear case of liability early on for a severely injured client who was in desperate need of money. I went to the office of the opposing lawyer. I decided to leave my pride at home and simply beg him for an immediate settlement. The old attorney led me over to his filing cabinet and put his arm around me like a father as he slowly opened the drawers, one after another. 'See these files, Spence!' I nodded. 'Every one of these files is worth a new Cadillac to me. Do you really expect me to give you one of my new Cadillacs?' And, of Course, he didn't."
- Gerry Spence, With Justice For None

"As a young lawyer,
From the books that I'd read,
I thought justice and law were the same.
But I soon put such juvenile thoughts from my mind,
And I studied the rules of the game!"
(Author unknown)

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)