Monday, May 16, 2016

Vincent Fox's Immigration Gibberish

Vincent Fox's Immigration Gibberish -

“He [Trump] is the hated gringo because he’s attacking all of us, he’s offending all of us, I mean imagine – that could take us to a war – not to a trade war…Don’t play around with us. We can jump walls. We can swim rivers. And we can defend ourselves.”

I have worked on dairy farms for many years.  A lot of my coworkers were Mexican or of Mexican descent. Almost all of the Mexicans I worked with were good, honest people, hard-working, and yes, many sent large amounts of their paychecks back to their families in Mexico.

I remember on of my Mexican coworkers joking with me one day. He said: "If you take on one bean, you gotta take on the whole burrito!" I love Mexican food, and I love the Mexican people. But - as is the case with the Transgender Bathroom movement - the American establishment is using Mexicans and the immigration issue to destroy this country.

One of the reasons America has prospered over the past 200 years is that we have been surrounded by 2 big oceans and 2 friendly neighbors. I would hate to see that change. America should help Mexico and Mexicans out - but not because they say we stole their country and they want to take it back - by force!

There are people all over the world - including Mexico - that would love to come to America and be integrated into American society. Those are the ones we should be looking for.

Recommended reading:

The 10 Big Lies About America, by Michael Medved
 !Adios America! The Left's Plan To Turn Our Country Into A Third Would Hellhole, by Ann Coulter
DC Interview: Ann Coulter On Her New Book Audios America!

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)