Thursday, June 9, 2016

The Daily Spurgeon for Thursday, June 9, 2016

Quotes by Pastor Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834 - 1892)

"My brother, I come to you simple of speech, and I exhort you to flee to Christ. O my brother, dost thou know what a loving Christ he is? Let me tell thee from my own soul what I know of him. I, too, once despised him. He knocked at the door of my heart and I refused to open it. He came to me, times without number, morning by morning, and night by night; he checked me in my conscience and spoke to me by his Spirit, and when, at last, the thunders of the law prevailed in my conscience, I thought that Christ was cruel and unkind. O I can never forgive myself that I should have thought so ill of him. But what a loving reception did I have when I went to him. I thought he would smite me, but his hand was not clenched in anger but opened wide in mercy. I thought full sure that his eyes would dart lightning-flashes of wrath upon me; but, instead thereof, they were full of tears. He fell upon my neck and kissed me; he took off my rags and did clothe me with his righteousness, and caused my soul to sing aloud for joy" - From the Sermon  Compel Them to Come In, by Pastor Charles Spurgeon, 1834-1892

Further recommended reading & listening:

The Best of The Daily Spurgeon
The Forgotten Spurgeon, by Iain Murray
A Defense of Calvinism - by Charles Spurgeon

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)