Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Was an 8 Year Old's Death Accelerated to harvest Organs?

Was an 8 Year Old's Death Accelerated to harvest Organs? - newser.com

Excerpt from this article:

"Police are looking into potential foul play at a hospital where an 8-year-old boy’s organs were donated after he was taken off life support four years ago. The LA Times reports that Cole Hartman went into cardiac arrest after almost drowning in his home’s washing machine. After being rushed by helicopter to California’s Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center the boy remained in a coma and on life support, but was not brain dead. His parents decided to remove him from his ventilator and donate his organs after learning that he would never return to 'normal neuro function' and might never awaken. He was pronounced dead 23 minutes after being removed from life support, but the LAPD and district attorney are now investigating allegations that the boy’s death may have been accelerated so his organs could be harvested."

Recommended reading:

Researchers Experiment Creation of Human-Pig 'Chimera Embryos' to Address Shortage of Donor Organs - christiannews.net
First Baby Girl Born With Three Parents - christianheadlines.com 
Are We 99% Chimps? - christianpost.com
My Mom is a Pig, My Dad is a Pork Chop:Very First Pig-Human Embryo Thanks to Science
[Video] - canadafreepress.com

Recommended podcasts:

Organ Snatchers and the Brain Dead Lie, by Pastor Joey Faust
Human-Animal Embryos and Other Atrocities - Planet of the Apes, by Pastor Kevin Swanson
A Christian Looks at Embryo Research, by Yvonne Sanborn Waite, D. Hum.
An Immoral Proposal: The Case Against Embryonic Stem Cell Research, by Dr. Roberrt Gonzalas Jr.
Embryology and Stem Cells, by Dr. Jorge O. Klajnbart
Embryonic Stem Cell Research, by Pastor Kevin Boling

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)