Sunday, May 13, 2018

Today in History - May 14th

1796: English country doctor Edward Jenner administered the first innoculation against smallpox, using cowpox pus, in Berkley, Gloucestershire (source)

Recommended podcasts:

Aborted Fetuses in the MMR Vaccine - Christians and Vaccinations, by Pastor Kevin Swanson (2018)
Is There a Vaccine Coverup? by Pastor Kevin Boling
The Vaccine Wars, by Richard Holdeman
Ask Jeff - Modern Vaccination Issues, by Dr. Jeff Meyers

1931: India Mahatma Gandhi the leader of the Indian Nationalist Movement has agreed to talk with Britain in London to discuss more independence from Britain in return for stopping the current boycott of foreign goods in India (Source)

Recommended podcast:

Why Christ Excels Mohammad, Gandhi, and Darwin, by Pastor Kevin Swanson

1835: Charles Darwin reached Coquimbo in Northern Chile (Source)

Recommended podcass and sermons:

How Darwin Opened the Door to Atheism - Only 19% of Pastors are Young Earth, by Pastor Kevin Swanson
Six Days and the Eisegesis Problem, by Ken Ham
Astonishing DNA Complexity Demolishes Neo-Darwinism, by Alex Williams

Recommended videos:

God Vs. Evolution, by Ray Comfort
Evolution Vs. God - An Atheist Review, by Jaclyn Glenn

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)