Friday, May 11, 2018

Today in the News - May 12, 2018

National and World News

Report: Pompeo Warned Iran: Harm Israel and Face Severe U.S. Response -
Levin: 'It's Inevitabe There's Going to Be A War Here' -
U.S. Sugar Policy: A Bitter Pill For Americans -
The Wipeout of Obama's Legacy -
Israel Expels Humn Rights Watch as Violence Intensifies With Iran -
Amazon Alexa to Come Standard in Some New Houses, Is That a Good Idea? -
16 Bizarre and Disturbing Facts About North Korea -
Independant UK Covers Skull and Bones, Leaves Out Key Facts -
Court Ruling Sparks Citizen Uprising Against Refugees in Tennessee -
Joseph Stalin and Vladamir Putin -

Misc. Videos & Colomnists:

Delingpole: From Paris and Korea and Iran: Trump is Making the World Great Again -
Caroline B. Glick: Watching Netanyahu in Tehran -
Andrew P. Napolitano: Prosecutors and the Rule of Law -
Caroline B. Glick: Trump's Iran Deal Decision Was a Masterstroke -
Tony Duheaume: Analysis: Who Will Side With Whom if Syria Explodes? -
Michelle Malkin: Sombreros, Qipaos, and Catholic Cosplay, Oh My! -
Did You Know This Fact About Slavery? - Dinesh D'Souza
Ann Coulter: American Foreign Policy in the Middle East -
Patrick Buchanan: Smut Night at the Press Dinner -
Patrick Buchanan: Memo to Trump: Defy Meuller at Every Turn -
What's Really Killing U.S. Manufacturing Jobs? - JBS Straight Talk
The Federal Reserve is About to Die - This New House Resolution Will Change the Economy Forever - Lisa Haven
What' a Greater Leap of Faith? God, or a Multiverse? - PragerU

Conservative Christians Podcasts 

Generations Ministry Update - Humbled is the Best Place to Be, by Pastor Kevin Swanson
Top Five ISIS Leaders Captured, by Adam McManus
News Roundup 4/27/2018, by Jim Schneider (Crosstalk America)
World Affairs and National Security, by Jim Schneider (Crosstalk America)
Friday, May 11, 2018, by Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
Thursday, May 110, 2018, by Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
The Biblical Basis for Our Constitution, by Dr. D. James Kennedy

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)