Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Today in the News - Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Here is what is going on in the world today:

Lewandowski on Trump: 'Never Have I Heard Him Use a Racist Word' - breitbart.com
Trump-Haters Meet Socorer's Apprentice: (Each swipe of the media axe at the President creates more disdain and distrust of the media) - americanthinker.com
I Went to a 'Peaceful Protest' and a Riot Broke Out' - americanthinker.com
The Best Friend Nazis and White Supremicists Have is the Liberal Media - pjmedia.com

Not 1, Not 2, But 3 Neighbors Calling the Cops to Report a Little Girl Selling Cookies - thedailysheeple.com
WH Press Secretary Sarah Sanders Issues Correction on Black Employment Numbers, But Refuses to Apologize for One Critical tiing - dailycaller.com
Programs Like Adobe Voco Can Fake Trump N-Word Tape - infowars.com
5 Reasons Why Government Will Never Work the Way Socialists Believe  It Will - pjmedia.com
The Law as a Weapon - thedailysheeple.com
Police Urge Boycott of Miami Dolphins Over Anthem Protests - thenewamerican.com
Roger Stone: The Witch Hunt Continues - dailycaller.com
Video Shows Deputy Rescuing Giant Inflatable Unicorn - newser.com [Don't know what a unicorn is? Listen to The Unicorn, by The Irish Rovers]
Sweden is Burning - Migrant Gangs Unlease Coordinated Fire Bomb Rampage Across Multiple Cities - zerohedge.com [If Stan Boreson were alive today, he might change the title of one of his song to I Enjoy Being A Swede - In America!]

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)