Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Mark Levin on National Climate Report: 'Years From Now Real Scientists' Will Look Back on This as 'Our Flat Earth Time'

Mark Levin on National Climate Report: 'Years From Now Real Scientists' Will Look Back on This as 'Our Flat Earth Time' - cnsnews.com

Excerpt from this article:

"And what if it gets a little bit warmer? You know what that means? More carbon dioxide, which creates more oxygen, that is, more plants. We used to like more plants, right? 'Now, no, the Amazon. The Amazon's getting wiped out. In about 15 minutes, the Amazon won't be around anymore.' The Amazon is flourishing..."

Recommended reading:

30 Amazing Years of Failed Climate Alarm Predictions - wnd.com
The Latest Global Warming Lies From US Global Change Program - americanthinker.com
Excerpt from this article:

"Thirty years have gone by since the 'opening salvo' in the movement claiming mankind is causing catastrophic global warming, and the dire predictions of drastic temperature and sea-level rises 'are well on their way to being falsified - and by a lot, not a little,' contends energy expert."

For further research:




How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)