Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Today in History - December 25

336 - First documentary sign of Christmas celebration in Rome (Source)

Recommended video:

A Very Merry Christmas, by Pastor Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)

800 - The coronation of Charlemagne as Holy Roman Emperor in Rome (Source)

Recommended sermons and podcasts:

1100 - Baldwin of Boulogne is crowned the first King of Jerusalem in the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem (Source)

Recommended sermons and podcasts:

The Church of the Nativity, by Aaron Braaten [Text: Luke 2]

1492 - The carrack Santa Maria, commanded by Christopher Columbus, runs onto a reef off Haiti due to an improper watch (Source)

Recommended sermons and podcasts:

1758 - Halley's Comet is sighted by Johann Georg Palitzsch, confirming Edmund Halley's prediction of its passage. This was the first passage of a comet predicted ahead of time (Source)

Recommended video:

Science Confirms a Young Earth—The Radioactive Dating Methods are Flawed

1837 - Second Seminole War: American general Zachary Taylor leads 1,100 troops against the Seminoles at the Battle of Lake Okeechobee (Source)

Recommended sermons and podcasts:

America's Sins Against the Indians, by Pastor Kevin Swanson

1971 - Justin Trudeau, Canadian educator and politician, 2rd Prime Minister of Canada, is born 

Recommended sermons and podcasts:

Canadian Progress Under Trudeau: More Muslims, Less Christians, More Abortions, by Pastor Kevin Swanson
Racism, Culture, and the Transcendence of the Gospel, by Dr. Paul J. Dean, Jr.

The following quote is from Ann Coulter's book Never Trust a Liberal Over 3 (Especially a Republican)
"Since arriving in Canada I've been accused of thought crimes, threatened with criminal prosecution for speeches I haven't yet given, and denounced on the floor of parliament (which was nice because that one was on my 'bucket list')."

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)