Monday, March 29, 2021

Daily Bible Reading for Tuesday, March 30, 2021

                                             Why don't you join me in my daily Bible reading? Each day, in addition to posting the new reading assignment, I also post links to related sermons. The websites that I use to guide me through these readings is and]

 For today, read:

Recommended sermons:

Satanic Miracles, by Rev. John Greer [Text: Deuteronomy 13:1-5]
Land Sea and Air, by Rev. Roger Higginson [Text: Deuteronomy 14:1-20]
The Cause and Cure of Poverty, by Dr. David P. Murray [Text: Deuteronomy 15:11]

Recommended sermons:

A Burden Too Heavy to Bear, by Rev. Reginald Cranston [Text: Luke 8]
How Do You Hear the Word? by Rev. Stephen Hamilton [Text: Luke 8; Mark 4]
A Big Sinner Converted and A Wicked Society Condemned, by Rev. Stephen Hamilton [Text: Luke 8]

God's Righteousness for Us, by Rev. Hans Overduin [Text: Psalm 71]

Recommended sermon:

Blessed or Brutish? by Rev. Ian Goligher [Text: P]roverbs 12:1]

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)