Was Tom Cruise Right All Along? - Gutfeld (Video)
Excerpt from this video:
..."and when I went to pick it up, the pharmacist said, 'O by the way, I got to tell you that sometimes the side effects is suicidal thoughts.' And I said, 'What?' And he said, 'I got to say that for the lawyers.' And I said, 'But it's an anti-depressant.' And he goes, 'Well, sometimes depressed people, they want to kill themselves but they have no energy. And this gives them energy...'"
For further research...
CDC: Youth Suicide Up 56% in a Decade, Homicide Rate Up 18% After Decline - breitbart.com
On the Brink of Suicide, but Delivered by Grace, by Rev. Stephen Hamilton
Self-Harm and Suicide, by Dr. Ian Brown
Study: Psychiatric Diagnosis Worthless and "Scientifically meaningless" - thenewamerican.com
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