Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Today in the News - Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Here is what is going on in the world today:

Obamacare Architect: Americans 'Too Stupid to Understand' -
Schools Propose: Let Boys Go Into Girls Locker Room -
Washington National Cathedral to Host First Muslim Prayer Service -
The Transgender Con: Many Transgender People Regret Switch -
Meet the Guy Who's Single-Handedly Doing All Of The Media's Jobs For Them -
14 Ways Obamacare Is Still a Disaster -
If Everything is Just Fine, Why Are So Many Really Smart People Forecasting Economic Disaster? -
Is the UN Secretly Using Vaccines to Sterilize Women Around the Globe? - 
Battered Woman Serving Longer Sentence Than Her Abuser - 
When Newspapers Follow the CIA Line, People Stop Reading Them - 
Michelle Malkin: Big Truthy is Watching (Some of) You... And Me - 

Audio commentary on news, Bible, and social issues (Podcasts)

Silent Church in a Sinful Nation, by E. A. Johnston
Persecution of the Early Church Under Marcus Aurelius, by Pastor William J. Sturm
Does God Call Cancer "Very Good?", by Ken Ham
World A Muck Raking Magazine? by Pastor Kevin Boling
US And State Court Cases, by Pastor Kevin Boling
Evangelicals Embrace Heresies: News Study Says Heresies Abound in Pew, by Pastor Kevin Swanson
The Briefing: 11-11-2014 (Atheism, China, Persecution, Sex Ed, Veteran's Day), by Dr. R. Albert Mohler
A Pro-Choice SBC? by JD Hall
Interview With Michael Barret On KJV Study Bible, by Jeff Riddle
In Honor of Veterans, by Jim Schneider
The Briefing: 11-12-2014 (Reproductive Technology, Elections Communism, Sex), by Dr. R. Albert Mohler
Fame of Death: Seeking Fame, The Culture Turns to Death, by Pastor Kevin Swanson


How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)