Monday, July 29, 2013

Obama Suggests Only Lawyers Understand the Constitution

Obama Suggests Only Lawyers Understand the Constitution | CNS News:

"President Obama suggested in an interview with the New York Times that was published on Saturday that you need to be a lawyer to understand the U.S. Constitution."

But you don't need to be a lawyer to be a fan of constitutional scholar (and lawyer!) Mark Levin:  Check him out at:

Here are some recent quotes from Mr. Levin:

"Mark Levin blasted Barack Obama's use of Executive Orders to further his agenda, saying the President believes he is no longer bound by the constitution since he won reelection. 'He keeps telling us he won reelection. Congratulations.' Levin said. 'But guess what? The Constitution wasn't up for election. He has to comply with it too!'" (Mark Levin Tears into Obama's Imperial Presidency)

"I can barely contain my fury at what is going on in this country...We have evidence over one decade after another of how the very same people pushing for gun control against law-abiding American citizens support radical left-wing judges who are soft on criminals, support weakened sentencing rules, decriminalizing this and that. Since when was Obama strong on fighting crime? Since when has Obama supported law enforcement? But here he is, you know, 'we have to stop gun violence.' No, we have to stop violent criminals." (I can Barely Contain my Fury at What's Going On)

"You should view these politicians with the deepest contempt you can possibly imagine. What they are doing to this country, what they are doing to our finances - there is not a criminal in any federal prison, state prison, city or county jail, with respect to financial crimes of any sort who collectively could have done the kind of damage that Barack Obama and Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi and YES, willing, timid, gutless Republicans have done to this country, to your future, to your children and grandchildren! What they are doing is with malice and forethought." (Mark Levin Blasts Both Democrats and Gutless Republicans for the Destruction of this Country)

Recommended sermon:

When Government Tries to Be God, by Dr. David P. Murray
U.S. Patriotic Songs

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)