Monday, July 22, 2013

Actor James Woods Dismantles Obama’s Racist Opportunism

Actor James Woods Dismantles Obama’s Racist Opportunism:

"The chattering classes have yet to excoriate James Woods for his politically incorrect remarks about Obama and Saint Trayvon. Following Obama’s absurd 'I am Trayvon' commentary on Friday, the irascible actor took Obama to task for his political stunt. He noted there are millions of other teenage boys in America who do not elicit a peep from the president. He also disputed the claim made by the usual political ambulance chasers led on by the likes of the Rev. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson that America is somehow mired in irremediable racism and hatred. 'Though I only have anecdotal evidence, I have personally watched diversity flourish in this country in my 66 years,' he responded to tweets on the Trayvon controversy. 'For Sharpton et al, racial disharmony is in part a business. They thrive on discord, while we diverse Americans thrive on harmony.'"

Recommended reading (my post):

Bill Cosby: Zimmerman Aquittal Not About Race

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)