Thursday, October 17, 2013

Bachmann Blasts Islam, CAIR Fights Back

Bachmann Blasts Islam, CAIR Fights Back -

"Bachmann said, 'We’re seeing this all across America. It’s like groups want to top each other and be the new latest, largest mosque in North America. What we’re told is that many of them are funded by the Saudi Arabians or the Qataris. And so many of these mosques’ funding actually comes from foreign countries that have interests in advancing the goals and beliefs of the violent Muslim Brotherhood.'”

Recommended reading (my post):

Christian Woman Given Choice: Convert to Islam or Die!

Recommended sermons (by Dr. David P. Murray:

Should We Kill Muslims?
When Government Tries to Be God

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)