Monday, October 21, 2013

Billy Graham Sounds Alarm for 2nd Coming

Billy Graham Sounds Alarm for 2nd Coming -

"Famed evangelist sees signs converge for the first time."

I'm not a fan of Billy Graham and his son Franklin Graham (See my posts: Billy Graham, Pope Francis, and the Doctrine of Total Depravity; Puff Graham Murray!).

And I'm not a date setter. Our Lord Jesus could come in the next 5 minutes. Or he could come in a thousand years. But having said that, I think Billy Graham is probably right in sounding the alarm for the 2nd coming.  As I get older, I find myself looking through the obituaries more frequently. It's morbid, I know, but it just reminds me of how short life is.

Every time a person dies, they go to meet Jesus. If they are saved, they will meet him as their Savior and their friend. If they are lost, they will meet him as their judge. The Bible says:

"It is appointed unto man once to die, and after that the judgement." - Hebrews 9:27

Recommended sermon:

The End is Come, by Dr. David Murray

Recommended reading (my posts):

What Do Dr. Tim LaHaye and Glen Beck have in Common?
Is Obama the Antichrist? I Say Yes!
That Old Time Religion

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)