Saturday, December 7, 2013

Don't Mourn For Mandela

Don't Mourn For Mandela, He's Not the Saint Portrayed by Morgan Freeman -

Excerpts from this article:

"... Mandela was offered his freedom from incarceration many times. All he had to do was renounce terrorism. He wouldn't do it."

" ... the world has been sold a bill of goods about Mandela. He wasn't the saintly character portrayed by Morgan Freeman. He wasn't someone fighting for racial equality. He was the leader of a violent, communist revolution that has nearly succeeded in all its grisly horror."

I didn't learn about South Africa and Apartheid in school. I learned about it by reading the Reader's Digest condensed book version of James Michener's book, The Covenant (excellent book, by the way). The Covenant is an historical novel that takes the reader from the 'pre-history' days of South Africa, the first white settlers to come to South Africa (from Holland, and later from England), the discovery of diamonds there, and the formation of the Apartheid system).

 Apartheid was system of forced segregation that Mandela is credited with destroying.  But South Africa is not just the story of the bad guys (whites) being overcome by the good guys (blacks). It is a story of good verses evil, but race and the color of a person's skin has nothing to do with it.

Like slavery in America, Apartheid was an evil system that our Lord Jesus condemned (read Matthew 5:5-7, the Sermon on the Mount). And like slavery in America, the the world is better off without it. But while Nelson Mandela may have rid South Africa of one evil (Apartheid), he opened that country up to many more evils, such as abortion, homosexuality and pornography.

Recommended podcasts:

Abortion, Homosexuality, & Pornography in South Africa: Interview with Peter Hammond, by Pastor Kevin Swanson
A Warning to America - by Keith Daniels of South Africa

Recommended reading:

South Africa is an Angry Nation On the Brink, Warns Nelson Mandela's Wife -
History of the Dutch Reformed Church of South Africa -

the world has been sold a bill of goods about Mandela. He wasn’t the saintly character portrayed by Morgan Freeman. He wasn’t someone fighting for racial equality. He was the leader of a violent, Communist revolution that has nearly succeeded in all of its grisly horror.
, Mandela was offered his freedom while incarcerated many times. All he had to do was renounce terrorism. He wouldn’t do it.

, Mandela was offered his freedom while incarcerated many times. All he had to do was renounce terrorism. He wouldn’t do it.

, Mandela was offered his freedom while incarcerated many times. All he had to do was renounce terrorism. He wouldn’t do it.

, Mandela was offered his freedom while incarcerated many times. All he had to do was renounce terrorism. He wouldn’t do it.


How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)