Saturday, November 7, 2015

Dying Granny Shreds One Million in Cash Before She Dies Just to Spite Her Heirs

Dying Granny Shreds One Million in Cash Before She Dies Just to Spite Her Heirs-

Excerpt from this article:

"What a way to give your relatives one last middle finger before you die!"

 I workeed in healthcare years ago, and I recall a sad situation where the nursing staff wished their patient could give their family "one last middle finger," before she died.

Ginger - not her real name - was about 90 years old. She had advanced alzheimers disease. And she was hours away from dying. Her nurse was distressed - not because Ginger was dying. That was expected. But Ginger was a full code. That meant that the nursing staff had to do everything in their power to keep her alive - CPR, Defibrillator, Intubation, Iv's and feeding tubes. You name it.
So Ginger's nurse looked in her medical chart to see who held Ginger's Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare. It was Ginger's daugher.

So the nurse called her daughter in the middle of the night to see if they could make Ginger a no code or a comfort measures only code. "Oh no!" he daugher said. "You do whatever you have to do to keep her alive...until Monday! After that, I don't care what you do to her!"

You see, her daughter was in the process of selling Ginger's house and she was worried her mom's death might muddy things up.

Ginger did die, although it was not on my shift. Hopefully if a code was called, it was a "slow code" and it was ended early!

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