Saturday, November 14, 2015

Stephen Hawking: There is No God, and the Theory of Evolution Better Explains Origins of Life

Stephen Hawking: There is No God, and the Theory of Evolution Better Explains Origins of Life -

Excerpt from this article:

"Just look at our DNA.  It is a self-replicating information system that utilizes a code that is so incredibly complex that we are only just now starting to understand it a little bit.  The amount of information that would be contained in just one pinhead of DNA would completely fill a stack of books that could stretch from our planet to the moon about 500 times.
So where did such a complex and remarkably efficient information system come from?
DNA is both a code and a language, and the truth is that codes and languages don’t just pop into existence out of nothing.  There is always an intellect behind every code and every language.
So where did DNA come from, and who designed it?"


Someone once said: "Faith is not having all the answers, but rather being able to live with the questions." My heart bleeds for Dr. Hawking. If he could sit down with our Lord Jesus - the Author of the universe -  for one hour - and ask our Lord "all that is within his heart" (1 King 10:4) - he would become the greatest evangelist the world has ever known!

Recommended reading:

By the Way, Have You Had a Chance to Watch Ray Comfort's Video, "Evolution Vs. God?" (my post)
Evolution And Junk DNA, by Michael Boehm & Dr. Charles Jackson
The Cambrian Explosian by Douglas Erwin
Lies In The Textbooks
100 Reasons Why Evolution Is Stupid
Scientific Study Backs Intelligent Design -

Recommended podcasts:

The Quest For The Historical Adam, by Pastor Kevin Boling
Six Days and the Eisegesis Problem, by Ken Ham

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)