Excerpt from this article:
"You should buy a gun. You should learn how to use it. You should buy sufficient ammunition. You should get a license to carry, if you can.You should do all of that now."
Gun control is not about keeping guns out of the hands of dangerous psychopaths (as opposed to non-dangerous psychopaths?). No, that's not it at all. The gun control controversy revolves around a simple question: Does history repeat itself?If you say it does, then you likely would be alarmed at the following article:
What Happens When Government Disarms its Citizens? warriortimes.com
Here are a couple of short quotes from two people on both sides of the gun control issue:
"One man with a gun can control 100 without one." - Vladimir Lenin
"Those who beat their swords into plowshares usually wind up working for those who didn't!" - Benjamin Franklin
Recommended reading:
Shocker: Criminals Tend to Get their Guns Illegally - truthrevolt.org
One Third Of Americans Own Guns And The Media Senses 'A Pattern' - hotair.com
Women Are Driving Force In Shift From Gun Control To Gun Rights
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