Saturday, August 13, 2016

"On The Brink Again: Huge Housing Bailout Coming" As Fannie/Freddie Seek $126 Billion From Taxpayer

"On The Brink Again: Huge Housing Bailout Coming" As Fannie/Freddie Seek $126 Billion From Taxpayer -

Excerpt from this article:

"This article was written by Shaun Bradley and originally published at The
Editor’s Comment: This could be the trigger event everyone has been waiting for; it certainly was in 2008. Like the conditioned animal, punished with a shock repeatedly, it produces more fear, and adrenaline and stress response during the build-up from the time the bell is rung and the shock is delivered. The actual shock is actually a relief, even though the animal fears the pain. It will all happen again, once the bell rings.Here, we know the crash is coming. The banks have orchestrated it, the Federal Reserve is setting the pace and preparing the bed in which we must all lie."


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