Monday, August 8, 2016

Susan Wright: Christians at the Crossroads: Choosing the Lesser of Two Evils is Still Choosing Evil

Susan Wright: Christians at the Crossroads: Choosing the Lesser of Two Evils is Still Choosing Evil -

Excerpt from this article:

“'Of two evils, choose neither.'  – Charles Spurgeon And here we are, at a crossroad for choosing.
Turn to the left, and you find yourself in the camp of Hillary Clinton. She is the Teflon candidate. She has weathered more scandals and been let off the hook for more misdeeds and missteps than probably any known candidate in our nation’s very short history. How she manages to elude justice and become the Democrat nominee, I have no certain idea. I suspect there is more than a slight bit of collusion going on behind the scenes. Politics is a cesspool, and until very recently, we could claim the Democrat end to be most corrupt and putrid."

This is a good article, but the writer misses the point. This election is not about 2 people - Crooked Hillary and Immoral Trump. This election is about whether the United States will continue to  run by the Establishment (i.e., the Council on Foreign Relations and their Globalist allies) or whether America might be able to shake these maggots off their back once and for all. Personally, I don't think that is going to happen, but there is a greater chance of it happening if Trump is elected than if Hillary is elected,

Recommended reading:

Letter to Donald Trump
None Dare Call it Conspiracy, by Gary Allen
Gary North: A Populist Revolt - For Real This Time -
CFR Promo Video: Kindler, Gentler Globalists
Clinton Vs. Trump? It's the Media Vs. America! - 

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)