Tuesday, March 14, 2017

WikiLeaks' Assange Claims Hillary, Intel Officials 'Quietly Pushing a Pense Takeover'

WikiLeaks' Assange Claims Hillary, Intel Officials 'Quietly Pushing a Pense Takeover' - zerohedge.com

Excerpt from this article:

"Over the weekend we noted chatter that some saw Mike Pence as 'the Deep State's insurance policy,' and now, judging by tweets from Wikileaks' Julian Assange, that may well be the Clinton/Intelligence Officials plan.."

Mike Pence is Donald Trumps LBJ. And all it will take for Mike Pence to become president is for Donald Trump to give a speech like JFK gave in 1961:

JFK Secret Societies Speech

Recommended reading:

Mike Pence Says His Role Model for Vice President Will Be Dick Cheney

Recommended video:

Dick Cheney at CFR, Laughing at the People of Wyoming

More recommended reading:

A History of the Council on Foreign Relations...In Our Time!
The Election is Rigged and the Council on Foreign Relations is Going to Win

Trump: Will He Be Controlling or Controlled? - thenewamerican.com

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)