Monday, May 22, 2017

10 Crazy Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out to be Absolutely True

Jake Anderson: 10 Crazy Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out to be Absolutely True -

Excerpt from this article:

8.The Deep State (or the conspiracy theory formerly known as The New World Order)

While all 10 of these 'conspiracy theories' may be true, number 8 is the only one that really matters. The other 9 are either closely related to #8, or they are rabbit trails that Americans would do well to  ignore.

Recommended reading (my posts):

Flashback  April 30, 2016: Letter to Donald Trump: If You Strike Not the Root, the Branches Will Grow Again
A History of the Council on Foreign Relations...In Our Time!

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)